Empowering small businesses through expert bookkeeping support
FM Bookkeeping provides comprehensive financial management and bookkeeping services to support small businesses in managing their finances effectively and efficiently.
A personalized approach with expertise capabilities
We leverage the best of technology in bookkeeping and cloud-based accounting systems to customize and streamline your financial processes at any time, from anywhere. Discover the ways you can hire FM Bookkeeping to help your business by clicking below. We also offer customized packages curated specifically to your situation upon request.
Hire us to properly set up QuickBooks for your business and show you tips + tricks to make sure you have everything you need to DIY your bookkeeping.
How it works
Getting your books in order shouldn’t be hard which is why we like to keep it as simple as we can around here. Signing on as a client is done in just a few easy steps:
Discovery Call
We start with a 30 min. Zoom call to learn more about your business, needs, and issues you may be having.
Following the call, you will receive an emailed proposal detailing what all was discussed in the discovery call.
Once the proposal is accepted, we will sign a contract to solidify our partnership.
Ready to Onboard!
Then we are ready to begin! FM Bookkeeping will take you through our Client Onboarding process to kickstart working together.
Client testimonials
We empower those in power.
Meet Mariel, your Extroverted Bookkeeper
Through her expertise and passion for all things numbers, Mariel Fry started FM Bookkeeping in 2023 with a commitment to assist small business owners in not only managing their finances effectively but also educating them in order to build confidence and comfort with money.